Academic Medical Center:
Prof. Dr. Niek Klazinga (HealthPros Coordinator)
Professor of Social Medicine at the Department of Public Health of the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute. Head of the Health Care Quality Indicator work of the OECD in Paris. Visiting professor at Corvinus University in Budapest. My research focuses on health system performance assessment, quality of care, health policy evaluation, indicator development and health information systems.
E-mail: Phone: +31(0)20 5664602
Dr. Dionne Kringos – Pereira Martins (HealthPros Coordinator)
Assistant professor at the Department of Public Health of the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute. Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Quality and Equity in Primary Healthcare Systems. My research focuses on (primary) healthcare system development and performance assessment, quality of care, health policy evaluation, health information systems and international comparative health system studies.
E-mail: Phone: +31(0)20 5664628
Aalborg University Hospital:

Professor Jan Mainz, MD., Ph.D, MPA.
Professor of Health Services Research at Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatry, Center for Clinical Health Services Research and visiting professor at Department for Community Mental Health, University of Haifa, Israel. Director of Psychiatry in Region North Denmark. Danish representative in the OECD Health Care Quality Indicator Project since 2002 and member of the OECD Bureau (since 2015 chairman). Former Project Manager was responsible for development of indicators and measurement in The Danish National Indicator Project. He was Chairman of The Nordic Minister Council Project on Indicators Monitoring in the six Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Greenland and Denmark) 2002-2015.
My main research activities relates to health services research, quality improvement and quality management, performance and outcome measurement, quality monitoring and patient empowerment. Email: Phone: +4525579033

Professor Søren Paaske Johnsen, consultant, MD, PhD My primary field of interest is health services research and quality of clinical care including use of evidence-based care, effectiveness and safety of interventions and evaluation of quality improvement strategies. The research involves extensive use of health registers, including clinical quality databases and administrative registers.
University of Surrey/University of Oxford:
Professor Simon de Lusignan
Senior academic general practitioner; Head of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at University of Surrey, Director of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC); the National GP surveillance system for respiratory and other conditions (
My interests span across surveillance, quality improvement and research – principally using large databases. Diabetes is one of my key areas of research – a recent example is:
E-mail: OR Carly Dyer (PA)
Adjunct Professor Fabrizio Carinci
Teaching Methods and Tools for Health Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna. Scientific Director of the Italian National Covid-19 Portal at AGENAS and Member of the OECD Working Party of Health Statistics. A statistical and economical sciences graduate from the University of Bologna with over 25 years of international experience using biostatistics for health research and policy. An Italian and Australian citizen, he has worked extensively throughout Europe, US, UK and Australia, with a particular interest in diabetes. Since 2004, he has been Technical Coordinator of the EU Consortia BIRO and EUBIROD, currently active as EUBIROD network ( Since 2017, he has been co-Chair of the ICHOM Working Group for a Standard Set in Diabetes.
Between 2015-2017 he has worked as a Full Professor and Lead for International at the School of Health Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. In this position, he has been an associated partner of the EU Bridge-Health project and an international expert for the Department of Health Policy and Planning of the Italian Ministry of Health, which he has supported in OECD data collections to produce various reports and new standardized definitions of amputation rates in diabetes, included for the first time in Health at a Glance 2015.
Optimedis AG:
Dr. Oliver Gröne, Vice Chairman of the Boardat OptiMedis AG
OptiMedis AG a population health management company pursuing the Triple Aim. My main area of expertise is in designing and implementing large scale systems to monitor health care quality and identifying systems and interventions that improve population health. I am curious to learn about, develop and apply methodological approaches that are relevant to improving performance and population health – with a the focus not simply on studying these issues but applying the best available scientific methods and evidence to make a significant change to the people and populations we serve.
E-mail: Phone: Tel.:+49 40 22621149-0
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna:

Professor Sabina Nuti
Full Professor of Health Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Director of the Laboratorio Management e Sanità, within the Management Institute, in Pisa. My research focuses on performance evaluation systems in the healthcare sector, avoidable variation, priorities and target setting, managerial tools for public governance systems.

Assistant professor Anna Maria Murante
Assistant Professor of Health Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Laboratorio Management e Sanità, within the Management Institute), in Pisa. My research focuses on patient reported measures (satisfaction, experience, outcome), marketing contribution to healthcare sector, and value creation for chonic (or at risk) patients (cancer care, diabetes patients, ageing population, etc).
Corvinus University of Budapest:
Prof. László Gulácsi
Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
My research focuses on disease burden and cost of illness studies in various acute and chronic diseases, pharmacoeconomics; health insurance, quality improvement and pay for performance and on health service research, health policy and financing.
Dr. Petra Baji
Department of Health Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
My research focuses on health care financing, health insurance, priority setting in the health care system; out-of-pocket patient payments, informal payments and willingness to pay for health care services; and on the effect of risk perception on health related decisions.