Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI):
Kathleen Morris, Vice President Research and Analysis
Vice President Research and Analysis at the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), an organization that aims for “Better data, better decisions, healthier Canadians”. CIHI research and analysis priorities are patient experience, quality and safety, outcomes and value for money, all with a focus on specific populations: children and youth, seniors and aging, indigenous peoples and those with mental health and addiction issues.
University of Toronto:
Dr. Gregory P. Marchildon
Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. My research focuses on comparative policies and the history in numerous domains including universal health care and the re-distributive role of governments in decentralized federations.
E- mail: Phone: 416-978-2067
OptiMedis AG:

Timo Schulte, MBA
Head of Health Data Analytics at OptiMedis AG, a population health management company pursuing the Triple Aim, and conducting scientific research as research fellow/Ph.D.-Candidate at the University of Witten/Herdecke on big data analysis in healthcare. Since 2009 he is working with data from different sources within the healthcare sector and published several health-economic evaluations and methodological papers on health services research. From research activities on integrated healthcare systems respectively accountable care organizations in the US he also has experiences in conceptualization of cross-sectoral care models. E-mail:
HealthPros advisor:

Michael van den Berg, PhD Michael is a policy advisor at OECD, and is specialized in health systems performance assessment, quality of care, performance indicators and primary care. His current work is driven by the ambition to move towards a new generation of indicators that will enhance international learning on value of healthcare as reported by patients themselves. Michael studied sociology and has been working on health services research and policy advice since over fifteen years. Before working at OECD, Michael led the Dutch Healthcare Performance Report, which comprises a set of indicators measuring quality, access and affordability of the Dutch healthcare system.