Transferability of actionable performance indicators: Making performance indicators work
Erica Barbazza, MSc, BHSc
She previously was a technical officer on health services delivery at the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care in Kazakhstan and the WHO European Regional Office for Europe in Denmark. She has provided technical assistance on health services delivery in more than 10 countries in Europe and central Asia and has authored numerous reports, policy documents and peer-reviewed articles on her work. Erica has degrees in International Health Policy from the London School of Economics and Health Sciences from the University of Western Ontario. Erica Barbazza_Long Bio
Health services; primary health care; health systems; health services performance; quality of care
Quality of health care for vulnerable populations: Are We Closing Disparity Gaps?
Unfortunately not filled anymore

Composite measures for quality of health care for patients with chronic conditions: are we comparing apples and pears?
Short video on HealthPros findings

Pinar Kara, MSc
She obtained her B.Sc. (2012) and M.Sc. (2017) in statistics from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Most of her previous research, including her master’s thesis, focused on survival analysis. Her primary field of interest is epidemiology, statistical methods in health research and survival analysis. She is passionate about healthcare research and being part of a project that aims to improve the quality of healthcare. Pinar Kara_Long Bio
Biostatistics; Survival analysis; Epidemiology

ESR4- Surrey
Optimising the use of routine health databases for personalised risk profiling stimulating patient engagement
Mekha Ann Mathew, MSc
A Master of Public Health from University College Cork (UCC) with a background in dentistry (BDS), she joined HealthPros from a HRB funded project on Activity based Funding (ABF) vis-à-vis Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG’s) amongst Hospital Groups in the Republic of Ireland (University of Limerick, Ireland). During the time of work, she got acquainted with data analysis, collaborating with multiple partners and stakeholders and various methods of result dissemination including national conferences. Currently, her passion is to minimize disparities in area level deprivation and concentrate on precision public health. Mekha AnnMathew_Long Bio
Precision public health, health care data, gobbledygook

ESR5- Optimedis
Measuring and improving the performance of integrated health care systems
Nicolas Larrain, MBA, MSc
Received his diploma as a professional Business Administrator and bachelor in science in Economics from Universidad de Chile in 2014. In February 2018 he completed the specialized master of International Health Care Management, Economics and Policy in SDA Bocconi. His experience includes working as a consultant, professor, research associate and data analyst. Mr Larrain’s areas of interest are health data analysis, predictive modelling, health economics, system dynamics, change theory, impact evaluation among others. Nicolas Larrain_Long Bio
Economic Modelling, Data Analysis, Health Economics

The role of managerial systems in promoting integrated care pathways
Kendall Gilmore, MSc
Holds an MSc in Global Health and Development from UCL and a BSc in Biological Sciences (Hons Pharmacology) from The University of Edinburgh. Joined HealthPros from Social Finance, a non-profit organisation which works to develop better responses to social challenges through data analysis, investment and partnership working. Previously, he spent several years with NHS England and the English Department of Health and Social Care, working across a variety of areas with a focus on innovation and reform of the health and care system and worked at a community development NGO in rural Sri Lanka and a European Venture Capital firm.
Integrated care, health policy and strategy, payment and contracting models

Results-based (corporate) governance-tools for healthcare
Damir Ivankovic, MD, MSc
A medical doctor from Croatia with an educational background including public health residency, healthcare management as well as business administration. His professional experiences span across fields with previous positions at governmental, scientific, clinical and industry institutions and companies. Damir Ivankovic_Long Bio
Public Health; Health Data and Information; Health Policy; Healthcare Management

ESR8- Corvinus
Patient engagement in healthcare purchasing by insurers: Reducing waste, increasing value
Óscar Brito Fernandes, M.Sc., M.Ed.
Óscar holds a master’s degree in healthcare management from National School of Public Health, NOVA University of Lisbon. During his studies he developed interests on health policy, management and administration, focusing on topics such as integrated care, quality of care, health outcomes, and health inequalities.
His latest working experience was as a manager at Central Lisbon University Hospital Trust’s clinical trials unit. Lately he was appointed as a member of the executive board of the Portuguese Association for Integrated Care. Oscar Brito Fernandez_Long Bio
Integrated care; Health outcomes; Patient engagement
ESR9- Corvinus
Building performance intelligence in contract arrangements between insurers and health care providers
Unfortunately not filled anymore

ESR10- Optimedis
Improving the uptake of performance reports via nudges
Sophie Wang, MSc
Sophie joins the HealthPros Network from Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), Canada, where she obtained her Masters in Public Health. Prior to joining the HealthPros network, she led a variety of healthcare redesign initiatives and evaluations with Doctors of BC, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association, and the BC Patient and Safety Quality Council. Sophie is passionate about closing gaps in research knowledge mobilization and enhancing the role of data analysis and visualization in healthcare planning. Sophie Wang_Long Bio
evaluation, quality improvement, data-driven decision-making

ESR11- Surrey
The impact of automated international comparisons using routine large scale databases to improve diabetes care
Bernardo Meza, MSc
Bernardo graduated as a medical doctor from the UNAM in Mexico City, and has coursed masters in Health Economics and Bioethics at the universities of Heidelberg and KU Leuven. He has several years experience as a consultant in pharmacoeconomics and as data analyst for the Mexican healthcare industry. Prior to joining the HealthPros Network he worked at the NGO sector in a series of projects which promote the use of digital technologies to monitor and control non-transmittable diseases in developing countries. His research interests lie in the development of frameworks where healthcare data could translate into higher quality of care at the patient level. Bernardo Meza_Long Bio
healthcare data, health economics, non-transmittable diseases

Reputation counts: putting health care benchmarking at work
Short video on HealthPros findings

Claire Willmington, MSc
After graduating with a B.Sc. in biomedical science, Claire started her career in the field of intellectual property and access to medicines. She then completed her M.Sc. in public health and undertook cost-effectiveness research at the French Institute for Health and Medical Science Research (INSERM). More recently, Claire worked as an analyst for the information company IHS Markit in the life sciences sector. Claire Willmington_Long Bio

Effective use of performance reporting in long-term care
Short video on HealthPros findings

Mircha Poldrugovac, MSc, MD
A medical doctor who began his career working as an advisor in the area of quality and safety in health care at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. He participated in several projects in the area of quality management, including the preparation of a national framework of quality indicators in health care and of the first annual report on those indicators. He began working at the National Institute of Public Health in Slovenia in 2011 and completed his specialist training in the area of public health in 2016. Among others, he has been recently involved in the WHO Europe lead Evidence Informed policy-making Network (EVIPNet), for which he is one of the so called »champions« in Slovenia. Mircha Poldrugovac_Long Bio
key words
Performance Indicators, Knowledge translation, Evidence-informed policy-making

AMC- Fellow
Creating evidence-based actionable Healthcare performance intelligence for integrated care in the Netherlands
Véronique Bos, MA, BSc
A HealthPros fellow and a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam UMC on ‘Creating evidence-based actionable Healthcare performance intelligence for integrated care in the Netherlands’. In her research she uses her work experience from her time as project and operational manager in Dutch hospitals. In her work she aims to bridge the gaps between practice, policy and academia.Véronique Bos_Long Bio
Performance intelligence, Knowledge translation, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious