The third Immersion community event in HealthPros took place November 2019, connected to the Hamburg training week, organised at the premises of Optimedis.
Representatives were invited from key stakeholder organizations to engage with the fellows about future employment opportunities. The immersion community (IC) was organized as such that the IC representative will give a 15-minute pitch about their organization, followed by 30 minutes open Q&Ss in plenary. In case fellows wanted individual appointments they could approach the IC representative after the session. The idea was that the fellows discussed and identified potential projects to link to, find out what competencies leading organizations are interested to recruit and build their network for the time after HealthPros.
The following organisations participated:
– category insurance company:

TK (largest German statutory health insurance company and one of the leaders in digital innovation and data science)
– category consulting:

McKinsey (one of the Big4 and globally very active in the field of health care policy, development, research, analysis)
– category industry:

Philips (a global company that has moved away from building TVs and kitchen gadgets to becoming the leading provider of population health management)
– category digital health:

Flying Health (a leading international start-up incubator)
– category pharma:

Astra Zeneca (global pharma, investing in artificial intelligence and data science)