Short description projects

Below you will find links to the short descriptions of each (PhD) research project. Now the project came to an end, we asked all fellows to prepare a short video explaining their work in HealthPros. You will also find the links to those video’s below.

ESR 1- Erica Barbazza, MSc, BHSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 3- Pinar Kara, MSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 6- Kendall Jamieson Gilmore, MSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 7- Damir Ivankovic, MD, MBA

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 11-Bernardo Meza-Torres MSc.

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 12- Claire Wilmington, MSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 4- Mekha Mathews  

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 5- Nicolas Larrain, MBA, MSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 8- Óscar Brito Fernandes, M.Sc., M.Ed.

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 10-Sophie Wang, MSc

Short project description

Short video on findings

ESR 13- Mircha Poldrugovac, MSc, MD

Short project description

Short video on findings

Associated fellow- Véronique Bos, BSc MA

Short project description

Short video on findings