WP 3- Utilization of Healthcare Performance Intelligence by different end-users

Overall Objective of the HealthPros research projects on Utilization of Healthcare Performance Intelligence (Workpackage 3):

To impact the actual use of performance intelligence by the different end-users by providing performance evaluation systems and tools able to stimulate changes in organizational behaviour at regional and local level.

This Work Package focuses on the utilization of healthcare performance data and their impact on the overall system organization and on the behaviour of the stakeholders (policymakers, health professionals, patients and users).

The following Research Projects are performed in this Work Package (links to the short description of the projects)

Research project 10: Improving the uptake of performance reports via nudges

Research project 11: The impact of automated international comparisons using routine large scale databases to improve diabetes care

Research project 12: Reputation counts: putting benchmarking at work

Research project 13: Effective use of performance reporting in long-term care