HealthPros Events
The kick-off meeting of the HealthPros consortium was held February 6th 2018 at the Academic medical centre in Amsterdam. All partners introduced themselves and their research and the plans for the research projects were discussed. Additionally, the road ahead was discussed, starting of course with the recruitment of 13 early stage researchers, but also the first week of training (planned for October/November 2018 together with the next meeting.

From the 29th October – 6th November 2018 the first HealthPros event that included all recruited ESRs was organized in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The program that was organized included a whole week of courses and trainings for the newly recruited ESRs (more details can be found here), as well as the Network Meeting (incl. Steering Board) on Thursday November 1st and the successful Immersion Community event on Friday afternoon of November 2nd. Some impressions of the meeting can be found below.

There was also a very nice social activity organized at the end of the week, to the famous “Zaansche Schans” including a pancake lunch.

From April 8-12 2019 the second HealthPros event was organized in Aalborg, Denmark. The program that was organized included three days of courses and trainings for the ESRs (more details can be found here), as well as the Mid term review with our EU project officer in Tuesday 10th of April and the Network Meeting (incl. Steering Board) on wednesday April 9th and the succesful Immersion Community event on Friday April 12th . Some impressions of the meeting can be found below, as well as a movie.
HealthPros 2nd Training Week (Aalborg, Denmark, April 2019)

There was also a very nice social activity organized at the end of the week, a graffiti walking tour.

From November 11-15 2019 the third HealthPros event was organized in Hamburg, Germany. The program that was organized included three days of courses and trainings for the ESRs, as well as the Network Meeting (incl. Steering Board) on Thursday November 14th and Friday November 15th. Some impressions of the meeting and a movie are shown below.

HealthPros fellows on Secondment: Óscar Brito Fernandes @AmsterdamUMC
There was also a very nice social activity organized; a Beatles tour!
From March 30th-April 3rd 2020 the fourth HealthPros event was supposed organized in Pisa, Italy. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to reside to an online meeting. With thanks to our Italian team, who shifted gears and managed to organize an interesting and inspiring online program, as well as our fabulous group of fellows, who, under guidance of Quizmasters Damir and Kendall even organized an online social evening, it was still a success!
Some impressions of the virtual meeting are shown below.

November 18th to November 20th 2020 the fifth HealthPros event was supposed to be organized in Oxford, UK. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we again had to reside to an online meeting. Was this a first for the previous meeting, this time everybody already had half a year experience with online meetings. The Oxford team deserves a big compliment for the organization of a perfect online meeting where logistically everything was arranged in the most perfect way. Coupled to engaging speakers, the only downside was that it was all virtual.
Again, a very nice social event was organized by the fellows, consisting of a virtual coffee tasting experience, which was a success, as a good cup of coffee is one of the most important things in the life of a PhD student, especially going into their final year!;-)

March 22nd to March 26th 2021 the sixth HealthPros event was supposed to be organized in Budapest, Hungary. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we again had to reside to an online meeting with which we now have a year experience. The team from Corvinus set up a very engaging program in the training week for the fellows, with expert presentations on using health insurance data to improve quality of care and support financial decision making or support health policy, and lectures on costing and unit costs and outcome measures and PROMS in economic evaluations, preference-based valuation techniques and health literacy, digital health and PREMS. Additionally, a group assignment was prepared and presented (a business case for value-based health care).
As we are now in the final year of the project, In the consortium meeting we also specifically discussed with the fellows what kind of training they would need in the last part of the project and whether they had suggestions. These will be taken into account when designing the last courses and workshops. All in all, again a very successful and challenging meeting and training week.
November 3-5 2021 the seventh HealthPros event was organized in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Finally we were able to meet face-to-face again, and although not all of us could be there, so some joined online, it was very nice to be able to interact again!
As we are in the final year of the project, we discussed the best way to make use of this final meeting and we decided to ask the fellow to indicate what they would most like to receive feedback on. So some fellows that are close to defending their thesis provided a thesis outline, others decided to discuss a specific article they were currently working on and wanted feedback on. We decided on two (PI) reviewers per fellow and the fellows send them materials a week before the meeting. At the meeting the fellows first shortly presented their thesis outline/current work, followed by a thorough discussion and feedback from the reveiwers.
Both the fellows and the reviewers prepared really well and the discussions were perceived as very thorough and useful.
All in all, a very constructive last meeting, supplemented by two very nice dinners which really enhanced the feeling of being one group working together on a common goal!
The HealthPros Network has been running from 2018 and came to an end in March 2022. We had a fantastic group of researchers working together to develop tools and implement methods to streamline healthcare performance measurement, develop and apply performance-based governance mechanisms and optimize the use of healthcare performance intelligence by different end-users. They explored different topics, like;
- actionability of performance indicators
- composite measures
- integrated care
- corporate governance tools
- patient and citizen engagement
- Nudging
- use of routine databases for performance improvement
- long-term care.
As the COVID-19 pandemic paralleled the HealthPros programme, many Fellows and the network at-large, sought opportunities to conduct a number of COVID-19-related studies at pace with the pandemic’s changing context. All fellows prepared a short video explaining their work in HealthPros. A short description of their project and the short video’s themselves can be accessed by clicking the button below!

As a final meeting the HealthPros consortium organized a virtual symposium on Healthcare Performance Measurement. The symposium celebrated the finalization of the HealthPros project. Find the agenda below.

The symposium will take place on 25th March, in two sessions; 11:00-12:30 and 13:00-14:30 CET and will focus on the lessons learned during the project, which has been condensed in recommendations on various aspects of performance-based healthcare governance and end-user involvement.
This Healthcare Performance Intelligence Series represents the culmination of key research findings by the network into a collection of reports providing methodological, practical, and policy guidance. Reports in the series are tailored to different audiences, ranging from policy-makers, hospital managers, clinicians, and the general public. The development of each report in the series has relied on close collaboration across the HealthPros network. The range of topics and resources making up this series includes the following (click on the title to access):
- Practical experience with implementing disparity and composite measures in large-scale routine quality improvement work to support transferability to other HC systems (No. 1.2 2022)
- A practical guide towards actionable healthcare performance indicators: Selecting healthcare performance indicators that are fit for purpose and use for various stakeholders (No. 1.3 2022)
- Policy guidance on advancing the performance assessment of integrated healthcare systems (No. 1.4 2022)
- Policy guidance on the use of PREMs to improve health system performance (No. 2.2 2022)
- Policy summary report on the value of results-based tools in health care management-Lessons learned from COVID-19 dashboards (No. 2.3 2022)
- Business model for effectively involving patients in the financial decision-making of health insurance funds- A guide to health care insurers on fostering the engagement of citizens based on recent experiences in the Netherlands. (No. 2.4 2022)
- Policy summary report on best practices for linking financial incentives to health care performance at individual health care provider, institutional and regional level- A business case for value-based health care systems based on performance intelligence (No. 2.5 2022)
- Policy recommendations on the role of nudging for health care performance assessment agencies (No.3.2 2022)
Below we have listed the panel members that have been invited (and kindly accepted) for the two sessions at the Final conference.
11.00-12.30 CET– Session 1: Healthcare Performance Measurement

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite BA, DipLR, MBA, MIR (Hons), PhD, FIML, FCHSM, FFPHRCP (UK), FAcSS (UK), Hon FRACMA, FAHMS
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is a leading health services and systems researcher with an international reputation for his work investigating and contributing to systems improvement. He has expertise in the culture and structure of acute settings, leadership, management and change in health sector organisations, quality and safety in healthcare, accreditation and surveying processes in the international context and the restructuring of health services. He has professorial appointments at six universities, is the President of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and he is an expert and advisor to the WHO, the OECD and research groups around the world. Theories and ideas Professor Braithwaite has helped shape, formulate or devise, and provided research findings for include multi-method, triangulated approaches to research, the boundary-less hospital, clinician-managers as key players in reform initiatives, diversity in clinical professional groups, inter-professional learning and culture change. His research examines the changing nature of health systems, attracting funding of more than AUD $179 million. His key expertise is in quality of care, patient safety, systems improvement, and implementation science. He has led with international colleagues book series on, and profoundly deepened understanding of, first, resilient health care and second, international health reform, with 14 books to his credit. Research he has designed, and more than 100 studies he has led, have reconceptualised health care, applying complexity science and cultural theories

Jens Winther Jensen, MD, MPH
Starting as a Staff Specialist at Aarhus University Hospital (Dec 2004 – May 2007) he became the chair of the Trauma center (a Level one trauma center serving a population of approximately 1,5 million people) at the same hospital from June 2007to Feb 2010. After that he moved on to being the Executive Vice President of the North Denmark Region until 2016. The Health Care Sector is the main task for North Denmark Region with 1,753 beds plus an additional 50 beds in the patient hotel, approximately 8,700 employees working in the hospitals, a budget of DKK 7,2 billion and pre-hospital force with approx. 50 ambulance alert units).
Then he was the Chief Operating Officer for the Region of Southern Denmark for a year (The biggest assignment for the Region of Southern Denmark is to run the region’s healthcare system, drawing on an annual budget of around DKK 22.6 billion). Currently he is CEO and Medical Director of the RKKP (Danish Clinical Quality Program and National Clinical Registries) since February 2017. RKKP’s primary objective is to ensure a continued improvement in the utilization of the Danish clinical registries in a clinical as well as managerial-, and research-oriented sense.
13.00-14.30 CET– Session 2: Performance-based Healthcare Governance and end-user involvement

Jeremy Veillard is a Senior Health Specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Region of the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice at the World Bank. Jeremy is a former health care executive in Canada and France, with deep expertise in quality of care, service delivery performance and health systems research and analytics. Jeremy has a PhD in public health (health systems research) from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and a masters in hospital administration from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, France.

Kathleen Morris is the Vice President of Research and Analysis at the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). She provides leadership for an integrated program of health services and population health initiatives, including indicator development, performance reporting, analytical reports, and advanced analytics. She is also responsible for the clinical classifications and terminologies that underpin CIHI’s analytics. Prior to joining CIHI, Kathleen was a consultant leading strategic and operational projects for hospitals, health regions and governments across Canada. She has many years’ experience as a board member, for research data centres, hospitals, health organizations, and community

Adjunct Professor Fabrizio Carinci is teaching Methods and Tools for Health Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna. Scientific Director of the Italian National Covid-19 Portal at AGENAS and Member of the OECD Working Party of Health Statistics. A statistical and economical sciences graduate from the University of Bologna with over 25 years of international experience using biostatistics for health research and policy. An Italian and Australian citizen, he has worked extensively throughout Europe, US, UK and Australia, with a particular interest in diabetes. Since 2004, he has been Technical Coordinator of the EU Consortia BIRO and EUBIROD, currently active as EUBIROD network ( Since 2017, he has been co-Chair of the ICHOM Working Group for a Standard Set in Diabetes. Between 2015-2017 he has worked as a Full Professor and Lead for International at the School of Health Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. In this position, he has been an associated partner of the EU Bridge-Health project and an international expert for the Department of Health Policy and Planning of the Italian Ministry of Health, which he has supported in OECD data collections to produce various reports and new standardized definitions of amputation rates in diabetes, included for the first time in Health at

Erika Schaub is the Chief Life Insurance Officer and member of the Board of Generali Biztosító. She is an Economist. She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University as a teacher of mathematical physics in 1994, and then in 1998 graduated from the College of Financial Accounting with a degree in economics, followed by an actuarial postgraduate course at the Budapest University of Economics in 2002.
She started her professional career at ÁB-Aegon Insurance in 1997 as a motor insurance product developer and has been working for Generali Biztosító since 1998 in the field of life insurance. Starting as a life insurance product developer, from 2006 she worked as the head of the health and accident insurance product development team, then from 2008 the head of the department, and subsequently the director of the personal insurance business, and in March 2019 she was appointed as a member of the Board. She is responsible for life, health and accident and customer relationships areas. Since 2016 she represents the Hungarian Generali internationally in the field of life, accident and health insurance. From 2015 to 2017, she was Chairman of the Board of Generali Health Fund and Pension Fund and a member of the Board of Directors of Generali Asset Management from 2017 to 2019. Since then she is a member of the Supervisory Board at Generali Asset Management Company, member of the Supervisory Board at EUB (European Travel Insurance) Company and president of the Supervisory Board at Generali Ingatlan Kft. (Facility Management).