WP 1- Healthcare Performance Measurement

Overall Objective of the HealthPros research projects on Healthcare Performance Measurement (Workpackage 1):

To measure healthcare system performance in five healthcare system strengthening performance areas in a reliable, valid, meaningful and actionable way based on available healthcare data to support the achievement of the Triple Aim.
The five healthcare system strengthening performance areas are:

1. Implementation of person-centred integrated service delivery models;

2. Patient and family engagement in healthcare;

3. Addressing inequality in access to quality healthcare for vulnerable populations;

4. Better outcomes through continuous quality improvement;

5. Reduction of ineffective health spending and waste in healthcare.  

The following Research Projects are performed in this Work Package

Research project 1: Transferability of actionable performance indicators: Making performance indicators work

Research project 3: Composite measures for quality of health care for patients with chronic conditions: are we comparing apples and pears?

Research project 4: Optimising the use of routine health databases for personalised risk profiling of patients stimulating patient engagement

Research project 5: Measuring and improving the performance of integrated health care systems