ESR 12- Reputation counts: putting health care benchmarking at work

ESR 12- Claire Wilmington, MSc

Reputation counts: putting health care benchmarking at work

Short video on the findings during HealthPros


Prof. Sabina Nuti / Dr. Anna Maria Murante

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Istituto di Management, Laboratorio Management e Sanità

Pisa, Italy

Duration: 24 months


To improve the actual use of performance intelligence by the different end-users it is relevant to study and analyse how  performance evaluation systems and tools are able to stimulate changes in organizational behaviour at regional and local level, also by considering the different stakeholders involved in the health care system (policymakers, health professionals, patients and users). How performance evaluation systems should be designed and used to have impact, in particular with respect to professional engagement, is the main topic of this research project.


Claire will: 1) Advance the scientific knowledge on how benchmarking can support policy making, defining challenging targets; 2) implement tools able to track unwarranted geographical variation to enhance the equity in access and treatment; 3) work on the promotion of tools able to identify priorities based on benchmarking, trends and avoidable variation; 4) work on the use of PROMS and PREMS in the target-setting phase from a clinical path-way perspective; 5) perform analysis to measure room for disinvestment and opportunity for resource reallocation; 6) design reward systems able to motivate different stakeholders: health managers, professionals and patients 7) study factors that make a difference in clinicians motivation and engagement.