Bernardo Meza 

University of Dundee, Scotland

I started this winter my secondment at the University of Dundee, Scotland, which is one of the seats to the Scottish Care Information – Diabetes Collaboration (the national diabetes register, better known as SCI-DC, or SCI-Diabetes).

This trip marked an important stage for the PhD project, since a significant part of its results depend on learning about the intricacies of this database. But for that, the team and people here have been of great help, always willing to share knowledge and experiences, no matter how clumsy my Linux skills may be. Above all, I truly appreciate their involvement, humour and directness. And needless to say, it is strangely enjoyable to access the Scottish data, which can hopefully shed light on how to prevent complications in people with diabetic foot ulcers through better organized care. Overall, but keeping it short, it simply feels as the right decision being here. Looking forward to receive other fellows!